Illusions of Continuity, Using Fill to its Fullest

$99 then $5 per month for continued access

Take your understanding of “fill” to a whole new level. We will use simple patterns to create background fills that seemingly flow behind foreground elements. Learn to use a “Master Pattern” to create multiple fills that limit the edge stitching found in more ‘typical’ fills for a fully custom design.

SKU: 710-0013 Category: Tags: , ,



    Take your understanding of “fill” to a whole new level. We will use simple patterns to create background fills that seemingly flow behind foreground elements. Learn to use a “Master Pattern” to create multiple fills that limit the edge stitching found in more ‘typical’ fills for a fully custom design.  Tools and features highlighted in this class include:  Boundaries; Fill; Pattern manipulation; Nodes; Relocate; and Pattern properties. This class will be taught in SAM. Your custom quilts will stand out and your customers will be amazed at what you can do.


    Skill Level

    This class would be ideal for computerized quilters of an advanced skill level.


    Course Contents

    Eighteen videos totaling 2 hours and 15 minutes

    Videos include: Master Pattern, Shadowing, Complex Shape and Inset Shadows

    Interactive Forum



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