Green Hill Longarm Quilting


Green Hill Longarm Quilting
3 Bell Street
Romsey, Hampshire, SO51 8GY
United Kingdom
Phone: +44(0)1794 278050
[email protected]

Gammill dealer for the United Kingdom

Located in Romsey, Hampshire, Green Hill Longarm Quilting is the Gammill dealership for the United Kingdom, offering machines, service and supplies. It is owned by the Reading family and son, Jacob Reading, who has been professionally quilting for the past several years with a Statler by Gammill.

The History of Green Hill Longarm Quilting

Statler & Jacob ReadingBy Jacob Reading

From a very early age I realised my Mum had a strange genetic trait, she was unable to walk past a fabric shop without going in! I soon started to understand that Mum enjoyed collecting fabrics and I thought she just looked at them like stamps.

I would often go to bed as a young boy and next morning I would have a new pair of shorts, shirt and my sisters would often have new dresses. They were not produced by the elves but by my Mum with the fabric she would get from all those visits to fabric shops.

My second eldest sister soon followed Mum and began collecting fabrics and making things with it. My sister then got a job as the Saturday girl in the local fabric shop. She dreamed of one day owning such a shop. She gained more retail experience and soon, my Mum joined her, becoming the Saturday girl.

One day the owner said she was going to close the shop and so my Sister decided to purchase the shop. She took over running it at the age of 20. Mum supported her making quilts and projects for the shop. Dad did a complete re-fit of the shop and did the accounts.

The Shop grew more and more successful; new customers came most days. Soon the shop was too small and exactly one year after my sister took over she moved the shop to a much bigger one on the high street, again after another complete re-fit from Dad and this time with my help.

My sister was so busy she asked me to help with putting out the stock. I soon became very interested in the fabrics, how they all blended together and made great patterns. I wanted to know more about quilting. I read loads of books and watched my sister and Mum at work. We became aware of a need in the area for a longarm quilting service. Mum along with her sister had researched longarms for years and without any doubt knew the best system was Gammill.

Now the perfect timing of life: I became very interested in longarm quilting. Dad made various contacts with people and found the Gammill with the Statler system was the best way to go. We found one for sale and I went to the training with my parents to learn more. A few months later at a European quilt retreat, I had the privilege of meeting Georgia and Ivan Stull, Statler by Gammill owners, from Harrisonville, Missouri. Georgia is also a Statler CreativeStudio Certified Trainer and a Gammill Sales Representative. I was convinced more than ever this was for me. After a basement conversion, the Gammill machine arrived. Within days the quilts came in from customers and I have never looked back. I have been supported by Georgia and Ivan whom I call my “Quilting Parents.”

I have been non-stop quilting for the past two and a half years. When the opportunity to join Gammill as a dealership arose, I was thrilled. To be able to share the world of Gammill and Statler with others is a very exciting time.

While my machine is running I plan and design quilts and in my free time, I make quilts to my designs, which are displayed in my sister’s shop. It works for both of us, people can see what longarm quilting can achieve and also see what a quilt looks like with the fabrics for sale in the shop.

I have always enjoyed working with computers so using them for quilting is a dream come true. My Dad is an engineer by trade so we will work together servicing machines and solving any issues that might arise.

As you have gathered we are a large close family. We were all home schooled and we all work very well together and enjoy working with each other. We were brought up to believe in ourselves and that if we work hard and put our minds to it, anything is possible.