CS7 Auto Update 10/13/17

Gammill has released an auto update to CreativeStudio 7.0. If your computer is connected to the Internet, please accept the update when prompted. If your computer is not connected to the internet we at Gammill strongly encourage you to connect. Connecting will allow you to easily receive software updates as well as enhanced help from tech support. If your computer is unable to be connected to the Internet, you can download the update from gammilldevsite.wpengine.com/creativestudio7
Another of the great enhancements of CS7 is that we are able to send Auto Update notices direct through CS along with the actual updates to the software. This allows us to send smaller more frequent updates and minor fixes, all while keeping the process simple for you the user.
This particular update is necessary to remove a time out feature that could temporarily deactivate the software. Please accept the update when prompted or you will otherwise risk a disruption in your software until the update is accepted. Should you be unable to update before a disruption occurs simply change the date on your computer to a date prior to 10/15/17, open CS and run the update, then change the date back to the proper date.
For more information about this update, please visit gammilldevsite.wpengine.com/creativestudio7

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