The Latest Thread

The Latest Thread is a free online series from Gammill featuring educators Eva Birch, Sharon Blackmore, Karen Marchetti and Jodi Robinson. The team highlight quilting techniques and questions, tools, hand-guided quilting inspiration and much more. Have a question or show suggestion? E-mail [email protected]. [soprano_theme_button size="btn-lg" link="|title:Watch%20The%20Latest%20Thread"] Meet the Latest Thread Hosts Eva Birch Eva Birch… Continue reading The Latest Thread
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Notice: Undefined offset: 3 in /home/admin/domains/ on line 80 Notice: Undefined offset: 3 in /home/admin/domains/ on line 80 OWNER LOGIN Enter to win a $100 gift certificate to Gammill’s online education offerings, including the virtual Quilting with Confidence events beginning June 2021. Our regional events feature recorded and live components to help you connect with… Continue reading Contest

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween Gammill would like to wish you a Happy Halloween!! We carved some Gammill Pumpkins this week! Have you carved pumpkins?? Share your pumpkin pictures with us using the hashtag #GammillPumpkins. Download the Gammill Pumpkin Templates below. Gammill Logo Machine Head We Are Family      

Gammill Professional Bobbin Winder Instructions

Introducing the new, Professional Bobbin Winder from Gammill! Wind perfect bobbins each time. With a sleek and compact design, the Professional Bobbin Winder quietly and quickly winds consistent bobbins. The winder features an automatic shut off, thread cutter, speed and tension controls. Order today from your local Gammill dealer.

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Professional Bobbin Winder

Introducing the new, Professional Bobbin Winder from Gammill! Wind perfect bobbins each time. With a sleek and compact design, the Professional Bobbin Winder quietly and quickly winds consistent bobbins. The winder features an automatic shut off, thread cutter, speed and tension controls. Order today from your local Gammill dealer.

Using home equity to finance

With interest rates at historic lows, many of our Gammill family are taking advantage of these rates to assist them in buying a Gammill. A home equity line of credit (HELOC) could be one such financing option available to you. We recently heard from a customer who was able to refinance her loan and take out a HELOC to purchase a new Statler. Because of low interest rates, her monthly payments did not increase and her loan payoff did not change but she was able to use the money saved on interest to purchase her new Statler.

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Masks on Gammill

Thank you to all of you who are using your machines and your talents to bless others. These instructions show how to make 30 masks at once on your Statler. The pattern file is provided.

Combat Quilter

After 18 years in the military and three combat deployments, when Andrew Lee began quilting it became an outlet that helped him deal with his PTSD. Now, Andrew is turning quilting into a career while continuing to serve veterans using his new Statler by Gammill.