Pieced Blocks, Draw Pattern and Concatenating

$49 then $5 per month for continued access

Pieced blocks are the mainstay of Traditional quilting. Learn how to quickly and efficiently add patterns to the different sections of blocks. Draw Pattern along with Concatenation will make easy work of this process.



SKU: 710-0016 Category: Tags: ,



    Pieced blocks are the mainstay of Traditional quilting. Learn how to quickly and efficiently add patterns to the different sections of blocks. Draw Pattern along with Concatenation will make easy work of this process. A different pattern can be placed in each section and will all sew continuously. This class will provide inspiration, along with guidelines and techniques to use P2P designs. Custom has just gotten easier. A PowerPoint® will showcase examples of how P2P designs are used on actual quilts.

    Students will receive a class file that includes a CreativeStudio® project, patterns and imported images. Students will need a laptop and will receive detailed notes, also a project with imported images, patterns and boundaries.


    Skill Level

    This class would be ideal for computerized quilters of an intermediate skill level.


    Course Contents

    Fourteen videos totaling 1 hour and 38  minutes

    Videos include: Orange Peel, Up Side Down Pattern, Snail’s Trail and Quarter Square




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