by Jodi Robinson
Gammill Quilt Artist
1. Apply fusible web to the wrong side of the fabric and trim edges if needed.
2. Cut your fabric into desired pattern
Other cutting pattern options
3. Cut the Background square to desired size. Mark the registration lines to align your fabric pieces for fusing.
4. Align and fuse the first piece or pieces. Use a ruler to align additional pieces and fuse in place.
5. Mark quilting lines. I marked a quarter inch from the edge of each piece.
6. Prepare your quilt for quilting. If you are using a longarm machine, as I did, mount your backing/batting, and pin/baste your top to the backing/batting.
7. Stitch the marked lines first to secure the applique and create a grid for quilting.
8. You can now fill the areas with quilting.
9. I echoed inside each individual area with straight lines.
10. Quilted and ready to finish or bind.
Learn more about Quilt Artist Jodi Robinson on her Gammill artist page or her blog.