
Complete System Starting at $35,999

Advanced Computerization

You want limitless possibilities to create beautiful works of art for yourself or your quilting clients. Find all the tools you need from the experts who created computerized quilting more than 25 years ago. Select from more than 1,000 included patterns, use the intuitive software to quilt edge-to-edge, or create a completely customized design. Then, watch as your Gammill places your stitches perfectly.

Statler System Includes:

CreativeStudio Quilting Software Features

Warranty Information

All new Gammill machines come with a lifetime mechanical warranty against defective materials and/or workmanship, one-year tablet warranty, three-year electrical parts warranty, and two-year in-shop labor warranty. The Gammill warranty also covers commercial use of the machines.


With thousands and thousands of patterns available on the Internet, browsing, searching, buying, and organizing patterns can leave quilters in need of a simple management solution. Gammill’s PatternCloud is a free service that integrates with CreativeStudio software.


CreativeStudio is the ultimate tool for quilters. Enjoy the same software professionals use to design, place, edit, and customize patterns to stitch out on your Statler by Gammill. CreativeStudio gives you unlimited possibilities with amazing features including an intuitive design and integrated pattern management.

Pricing Options

22-inch Head


26-inch Head


30-inch Head


Add A Statler To Your Gammill

Statler Retrofit: $19,999

Turn your existing Gammill machine into a Statler with a retrofit. The retrofit includes all the hardware and software needed to allow your machine to stitch hands-free